Kaizen, is a combination of two Japanese words Kai: means “Change”: & Zen: means “Good”:. Kaizen is a method of Continual improvement in processes, often considered to be the "building block" of all lean operations.
Kaizen methods focus on good housekeeping, implementing suggestion systems, eliminating 08 hidden wastes, improving productivity, and achieving sustained continual improvement at all levels of the organization.
Lean Management is all about eliminating non-value-added elements from a process. Using lean management, you make lead times short and focus on keeping the production lines flexible. The result is a better quality, higher productivity, faster response and optimum utilization of equipment and space. Traditional business management courses often miss out on these aspects, which are a critical requirement for businesses to improve profits in today’s world of global competition. This applies to all organizations irrespective of whether they are in manufacturing and service.
The “Certified Lean Manager” course fulfils a major need for organizations by helping professionals to specialize in understanding and implementing the principles and methodologies of Lean Management. It develops their ability to implement these tools successfully leading the organization to higher profitability on an on-going basis.
Basic Requirement – Good Understanding of English
Minimum 12th Standard pass. Benefits:
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